YFL Scholarship Opportunity

Bringing you resources and information on funding opportunities for your academic pursuits.

Do you have any preliminary questions?

YFL Scholarships

This application is for you/your child to be awarded part of $600,000 worth of scholarships that close on Monday, January 31, 2022!

This opportunity is for any high school seniors or college freshmen. The requirements include a quick quiz and short essay on financial literacy. It's open for high school seniors and college freshmen. There are multiple scholarships given, all the way up to $30,000! The due date is January 31st for them to submit the essay, but it looks super simple!

Click below to get started with your financial quiz.

Follow this Process to Apply:

Applicant Requirements: The YFL 2021 - 2022 Scholarship is available to high school seniors and first-year college freshmen.

Quiz and Essay Directions:

First, take the informative quiz on financial literacy. Next, make sure you enter your correct email address and phone number to receive updates on the selection process. Then, make certain to submit the essay and receive the essay prompts on the next screen.

Last, write your essay answering one of these essay prompts and email your essay to scholarships@yflfoundation.org by January 31st!

The full details of the scholarship are available on the YFL Scholarship page.