Coach B On-Demand |

Coach B On-Demand |

On-Demand Coaching & Consulting

Get ongoing access for whichever area of needs you have, with a simple membership subscription.

Why Subscribe?

You no longer will have to chase me down when:

You need advice or need to pick my brain for a reason related to your business growth…
You need feedback on how to update your website…
You’re stressed out and need a quick venting/emotional processing session…
You’re in an emergency personal situation and need sound guidance…
- and more -

As you likely know if you’re reading this, people are always reaching out to me wanting to pick my brain, get some professional feedback, or get some guidance on something. That which you pick from my brain, that feedback, and that guidance comes from years of university and self-education. I paid money, time, energy, and experience to accumulate that which you are asking for, therefore I want to make it so that you can have my undivided attention in 15-minute increments, up to 3x per week without having to contract in for full services or have me multitasking due to having to make up the money I would be missing out on by giving my time to you for free.

I come with 3 university degrees which include 1 master’s degree, plus 2 years of doctoral studies. That doesn’t even include the 12 years of self-education and entrepreneurship experience. I’ve founded or co-founded 6 companies, served on 4 nonprofit boards, published academically twice, and co-authored 1 non-academic publication. I’ve worked as the right-hand man to two different millionaire businessmen over the past 7 years and partnered with numerous universities, etc, etc, etc.

Stop trying to chase me down and become a priority.
Complete the form below and get your membership started!