Preparing Students of Today
For the World of Tomorrow

College and Career Ready Workshops for High School Seniors

Overcoming Academic Challenges: A Personal Journey

  • Focus: Share your personal story of academic struggles and triumphs to inspire students. Discuss strategies for bouncing back from academic setbacks and building resilience.

  • Key Takeaways: Importance of persistence, how to seek help when needed, and strategies for improving academic performance.

Strategic partnerships formulated for the betterment of the next generation

College vs. Career: Making the Right Choice

  • Focus: Guide students through the decision-making process of choosing between college and career. Explore the pros and cons of each option, considering the current job market and individual goals.

  • Key Takeaways: Understanding personal goals, the impact of the job market, and evaluating long-term benefits.

Financial Literacy for Young Adults

  • Focus: Teach essential financial skills, including budgeting, saving, understanding credit, and managing student loans. Provide tools for making informed financial decisions early on.

  • Key Takeaways: Basics of financial management, the importance of credit scores, and strategies for avoiding debt.

Speaking About Financial Education in the Media

November 2021 Financial Insights

January 2022 Financial Insights